Kotsu Kotsu

I have been SLACKING on my meditating lately and it is showing up in how I approach my life and my general demeanor. I got my ish together this morning and decided to listen to a wee session called, “Kotsu Kotsu” on the Calm App. (I highly recommend if anybody wants to spend a few dollars on meditating. If you’re like me, you need to get out of your head to get into your head. I could explain this here, but I’m pretty sure I’d need an entire blog to explain how this works out. It’s not complicated, but it really is. Did you expect anything less from me?)

According to the session, Kotsu Kotsu essentially means step-by-step, to really approach life being in the moment and paying attention to the actions you take while you take them.

Essentially, if I were to pare this down in a way that works for me, knock off all the multi-tasking because instead of doing one thing well or successfully or whatever word you want to use, you’ll do the multiple things not as well or successfully or whatever word you want to use.

I needed this reminder this morning. I have a tendency to run between tasks, rushing them to get to the next, or doing multiple at one time because… well… isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Aren’t we supposed to be able to do it all? Isn’t multi-tasking a sign of having your shit together?

Yesterday, I wrote a blog about the Aquarius Full Moon. I am not entirely certain I communicated what I wanted to because I rushed the blog. I banged it out and moved onto the next thing, slamming words down, assuming that everybody can always read my mind, right? Y’all know me, y’all know how I write, that’s good enough, right?

No. it’s really not. Communication takes time and effort. Strong communication takes investment and engagement. Rushing is none of those things. The sad part is that I literally had NO REASON why I rushed it. I had all the time in the world yesterday. And, even when I don’t, I can wait until I do. I can jot down ideas in a notepad or even in a post and simply not publish it until it’s completed. This is not to say that I want to prettify what I write or turn into some machine where perfection matters above all else, but rather to engage with what I’m writing, how I’m writing, to ensure that I’m doing the best job I can to communicate my understanding, my place, my life.

We are such a society dedicated to rushing. Well, American society is, but since I’m pretty sure I don’t have any International followers, I’ll stick with my use of the word, “we”. Maybe someday my following will be as big as my ego. Maybe.

Anyways. Now that I’ve taken a moment to dream on that, back to the point. (See?! Mindfulness in action! I paused, considered, then came back to write some more, instead of trying to do both at the same time! Ok, so I’m not entirely certain that’s what Kotsu Kotsu is asking you to do, since I have some more research to do into this ideal, but we’re going to go with it for the time being.)

There is so much to do. So much. It can feel overwhelming, distracting, or even lonely. Multi-tasking feels like we’ll be able to get more done and this session this morning really made me wonder if it’s about getting things done or about doing them with fidelity. And if I’m doing something just to do it, without a cause or purpose, then why am I doing it? Maybe I’d actually enjoy cooking or gardening or bike riding if I didn’t treat them as chores, but rather as opportunities to learn, to grow, to fail, and to do it all some more. Maybe if I approached each task to do that specific task, I can enjoy the moment because I’m devoting care and time and energy and investment to it. Instead of doing activities and being on my phone, on social media, answering emails, or whatever else, if I were to engage, I’d get far more out of it.

BUT. BUT. BUT. When else will I answer emails?!

When it’s time to answer them. When I can devote thoughtful contemplation into what is being asked of me in that email.

One of my goals for a long time has been to slow down, because I am constantly on the go, whether physically or mentally. This ideal of Kotsu Kotsu makes sense to me, inspires me.

I share because… who knows… maybe you, too, need to slow down just a little and this is one way you can do so.

Getting my life together with a weeeee bit of coffee. Cause sometimes. Coffee is life.

Getting my life together with a weeeee bit of coffee. Cause sometimes. Coffee is life.