The below pink lights are currently in my living room. Yes, it looks purple, but I swear my eyesight is fine and I see color just fine. This is not the new social media color war. The lights themselves are courtesy of my darling three-year-old who wanted pink lights. That’s literally all she had to say, was that she wanted pink lights and here we are.
I would love to tell you that this missive is all about what an awesome pushover I, ergo my husband as well, am, but it’s really not. There’s more to this picture. Not to the lights part, that’s basic. PUSH-OVER. But, to why I took the picture and am now posting it.
I didn’t have a Christmas Tree this year. I know, I’m a heathen. But, when I’m trying to finally learn how to be a halfway neat and tidy person, I just couldn’t deal with ADDING to the clutter. So… I didn’t.
This morning, I laid down on the couch for a spell and happened to gaze up at these lights. I say happened to as if these things aren’t bright AF and completely in your face. Noting the fact that this garish display is exactly that, there was something oddly peaceful about this singular moment where it was quiet, dark, and just me, basking in the not-so-light glow.
What in the hell does this have to do with Christmas? Because that feeling I got this morning is exactly how I feel when I do have a Christmas tree and I’m up early to do my thing and just enjoy the lights before doing whatever it is I do at the butt-crack of dawn.
I would have told you, prior to this morning, that there’s just something magical about the morning and the tree. And this is not to say that there isn’t something magical about the season, but it took this exact moment to realize that I could have that feeling that I normally only have at Christmas a little more often. Who made the rule that only Christmas Tree lights are magical? Psh. That is not a rule I need to be following.
So. Now that I’ve had my head set straight and I am now enamored with pink lights that look like a unicorn shit all over my curtains, I will enjoy my mornings, doing my mental and emotional health activities in the glow.